Fail Race - Retry Run

    Fail Race - Retry Run

    Fail Race - Retry Run

    jump jump arcade arcade casual casual hypercasual hypercasual 3d 3d racing racing race race run run retro retro running running

    game description

    Run Race 3d Failed, Please Try Again - Race 3D Failed Tap to jump across platforms in the latest Ragdoll Run, experience the thrill of the Retry Run Adventure in just a matter of minutes, and never, ever give up on your quest to reach the finish line in the first place. Get the parkour experience by tapping it right, competing against others, and reaching your target.

    You may utilize the monkey bars to prevent yourself from falling as you swing from one to the next, climb the ropes to gain speed, slide to cover ground quickly, Fail Run flip to increase your vertical leap, and so on. You'll need various abilities to succeed on the several maps available.

    You may utilize the monkey bars to prevent falling while swinging from one to the next, jumping and running from one wall to another, sliding to gain speed, flipping to increase your vertical leap, etc. Never give up the chase! Many maps exist, each calling for a unique set of abilities.

    Release Date: 25 November 2021 , Platform: Web browser

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