Subway Surfer Seoul

    Subway Surfer Seoul

    Subway Surfer Seoul

    jump jump unity3d unity3d action action html5 html5 arcade arcade jumping jumping hypercasual hypercasual 3d 3d adventure adventure html html run run running running subway subway 3dgames 3dgames subwaysurfers subwaysurfers

    Game description

    Pack your luggage to go down into the subway and head towards an all-new adventure with this endless runner Subway Surfer Seoul! Don't forget to gather coins!

    Play free subway surfer Seoul at best crazy games online

    The gameplay of this subway surfer 3d game revolves around a passionate adventurer in Seoul. Your character in this free-running game is not afraid of challenges. He isn't even scared of running over the railway lines. After all, he is a younger runner of Y8 running games. However, you have to help him to complete his journey safely. For this purpose, you can direct him towards the right pathways. Could you help him to jump over the challenges? Don't let your surfer run into the tunnel unless it's clear. And most importantly, don't forget to collect maximum gold coins to continue your journey in these fun running games. Remember, this adventure runner cannot survive without money even if he has enough health or life. Moreover, an irritated inspector will be behind to capture you and stop your adventure quest world mission. Don't let him succeed in his aim. Play safely and have fun. Get enjoyed by an endless catching game with magic piano tiles!

    Release date: 27 November 2021 , Platform: Web browser (Desktop and Mobile)

    12320 played times

    Classification: Games » Arcade

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